SEA Europe
SEA Europe: The Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe
The voice of the maritime civil and naval technology industries in Europe
What does SEA Europe stands for?
SEA Europe represents close to 100% of the European shipbuilding industry in 16 nations, encompassing the production, maintenance, repair, and conversion of all types of ships and floating structures, commercial as well as naval, including the full supply chain with the various producers of maritime systems, equipment material, and services. Consolidates and strengthens the EU’s frontrunner role in RD&I, greening of the waterborne sector, and digital technologies. Develops concepts essential to ensure the transition to a clean, digital and competitive European waterborne transport sector and to enhance the sector’s competitiveness. Moreover, SEA Europe is a recognised social partner in the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Shipbuilding.
Within the LeaderSHIP project, SEA Europe is leading Work Package 2 “Strategic and sustainable cooperation on skills”, which includes important tasks such as:
- Strengthening the Shipbuilding and Maritime Pact for Skills (with Foro Maritimo Vasco)
- Mapping regional ecosystems (with Foro Maritimo Vasco)
- Enhancing business-education and inter-company collaboration
- Mapping upskilling and reskilling support and financing scheme (with GICAN)
- Developing a sectoral skills strategy
Contact us:
Monia El Faziki, Director EU Public and Social Affairs:
More about SEA Europe: Sea Europe – The Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association of Europe
University of Deusto
The University of Deusto, a HEI of over 130 years, was founded in 1886 by the Society of Jesus. It covers seven main fields of study: Business, Law, Health, Education and Sport, Theology, Social and Human Sciences and Engineering. It aims to train leaders who can combine a professional, humanist and ethical perspective through a full range of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education programmes and it is ranked among Spain’s leading universities for its world-class teaching and top-level performance.
Deusto is a non-profit university, with more than 11,200 students, of which 465 are international coming from 77 different countries that combines a high level of internationalisation with excellence in teaching. It is remarkable for its capacity to combine many contrasting elements: local roots and global challenges, historic awareness and concerns for the future, leadership engagement and social commitment, intellectual rigour and experience-based learning, competition and cooperation, tradition and innovation. Ours is one of the 18 universities accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Education as an International Campus of Excellence since 2015. With campuses in Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastian and branches in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Madrid, its 7 faculties are characterised by their capacity for both internal and external collaborations. UD offers 34 bachelor’s Degrees, 14 Double Degrees, 40 Master Programmes, 15 specialisation courses, 15 Executive Education Masters and courses, 9 Doctoral Programmes.
We are striving for internationalisation, without excluding other regions, and demonstrate a clear commitment to Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, having signed agreements with 527 universities. 1,767 students and 49 members of staff took part in mobility programmes during the 2022-23 academic year. The faculties are also involved in European programmes. Deusto has developed strong experience in Project Management since 1989, coordinating large projects and participating in 4 Erasmus Mundus Masters Programmes, over 100 International Research Projects, as well as 78 Erasmus+ projects, coordinating 24 of them.
The University of Deusto aims at excellence in education and achieved a significant position of international leadership for decades. In keeping with its institutional policy, Deusto has focused on creating international networks and projects, which have become increasingly important and enhanced the university’s prestige. This offers a wide range of advantages, creating opportunities to share experiences and find research, teaching and management synergies. These initiatives boost exchange between students, faculty and administration and services staff, creating an ideal environment to start up and implement international projects.
Dr. José Antonio Campos – Executive MBA | Deusto- Director
Email address:
Organisation webpage
Dr. José Luis del Val – Professor | Engineering Faculty
Email address:
Dr. Fernando Díez – Associate Professor | Education & Sport Faculty
Email address:
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) was founded in 1968 and recognized under the present title in 1980. It is the only public university in the Basque Country, and it is a member of ENLIGHT, a European University alliance of ten Universities from ten European countries (Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland).
The training offer of the UPV/EHU is quite wide: 67 Bachelor´s Degrees, 103 master programs, 44 expert diplomas and 71 PhD programs. There are also research groups. In 2021 there were 289 groups, with, for example, a production of 465 theses in 2020-21 (42% international and 13 % in the Basque language) and 3713 scientific publications in 2020.
Taking part in the LeaderSHIP Project, the members of the UPV/EHU are all from the School of Engineering of Bilbao, which is lay out in three different buildings. Two of them in Bilbao and one in Portugalete (the Nautical Branch). In the School ,there are 4750 Students, 550 Lecturers, 130 Researchers and 150 Services personnel. Two departments are involved: the Energy Engineering department and the Business Organization Department.
Within the Project, the University of the Basque Country will be involved mainly in Work Package 2 (Strategic and sustainable cooperation on skills) in tasks 4, 5 and 6; in Work Package 3 (Curricula Design) in tasks 1 and 2; and above all, in Work Package 4 (Training Provision), developing training/learning methodologies and technologies, piloting the courses and developing a sectoral approach towards the transfer and validation of training.
IndustriAll Europe
IndustriAll European Trade Union is a federation of independent and democratic trade unions representing manual and non-manual workers in the metal, chemical, energy, mining, textile, clothing and footwear sectors and related industries and activities. We speak for 7 million working men and women united within 200 national trade union affiliates in 39 European countries.
The industriAll European Trade Union aims to develop common views and positions with its affiliates in order to build up efficient strategies to defend the economic, social and cultural interests of the workers in these industries on a basis of solidarity, mutual respect and common principles. The industriAll European Trade Union advocates thorough social reforms, the reinforcement of democracy and the promotion of economic and social progress in Europe. It supports an integrated Europe without borders, with common social standards, a high level of social protection and the involvement of workers and trade union representatives.
The industriAll European Trade Union is established to organize and enhance the collective power of working people in Europe, to defend their rights and advance their common goals with respect to both companies and States. To this end, the industriAll European Trade Union works on pushing forward the coordination and development of collective bargaining, industrial relations and social policies. We aim to be a powerful player in the European policy arena vis-à-vis European companies, European industries, employers’ associations and European institutions.
The Faculty of Naval Architecture (FAN) from the ”Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, is a leading naval educational institution in Romania starting from 1948, dedicated to advancing the field of naval architecture and maritime engineering. Located in a region with a rich maritime tradition, this faculty stands at the forefront of shipbuilding, ports, and maritime industry education.
Our mission is to enhance the competitiveness and growth of maritime companies through innovative research, collaboration, and international engagement. We are committed to fostering a culture of excellence and cooperation within the maritime sector.
The Faculty of Naval Architecture in Galati comprises a diverse community of experts and students involved in every aspect of the maritime supply chain. Our faculty collaborates with shipyards, ship design companies, maritime equipment and technology providers, ports, shipowners, public administrations (local, river, ports administrations), and other educational and training institutions. This extensive network ensures our programs are aligned with industry needs and global standards.
With a tradition of over 75 years, our curriculum is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the dynamic and ever-evolving maritime industry.
Between 2017-2022, our faculty provided 442 Bachelor of Naval Engineering (Naval Architecture and Ship Systems and Equipment) graduates, while between 2018-2023 only 100 MSc in Naval Architecture graduates (in English).
Of the 217 graduates who graduated Naval Architecture work in the shipbuilding sector (34% design and engineering companies, 56% shipyards, 6% turnkey contractors, 4% others).
The MSc graduates work in the shipbuilding sector (40% design and engineering companies, 46% shipyards, 3% turnkey contractors, 12% others).
Within the LeaderShip project, UDJG through Naval Architecture Faculty will develop two reports for WP4 Training Provision:
- report including the process of piloting main courses, and its assessment to refine them.
- report to implement the courses attending the context of the industry in each country.
These milestones will allow the partners to achieve D4.3 (Pilots of Courses) and D4.4 (Sectorial Approach).
Organisation webpage
Danish Maritime
Danish Maritime is the business association for Danish manufacturers of maritime equipment and ships, shipyards, ship designers, and service providers. The association's overall task is to promote favorable framework conditions and contribute to the Danish maritime industry's continuous success and global competitiveness.
Danish Maritime participates in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5, and WP6, and organizes the third project meeting in Copenhagen in November 2024.
The Danish maritime industry faces a significant challenge in securing the maritime competencies of the future, especially within the technically oriented disciplines. If companies cannot provide the necessary manpower, the tasks will move out of the country and the EU, and we risk losing the skills and earnings. Therefore, we need to ensure that the total talent pool that the maritime industry can recruit from is as large as possible and has the relevant technical competencies. To ensure this there is a need for a joint effort to upskill and reskill workers in the maritime industry. For the industry, employees with the right skills are crucial, as many companies and workplaces are extremely knowledge-intensive. With this project, we will help to ensure that the right competencies are developed and that more people open their eyes to a vibrant and essential industry in Europe.
Susanne Irvang
Møre and Romsdal County Council
Møre and Romsdal County is located along the western coast of Norway and is one of 15 Norwegian counties. As of 2023, approximately 268 000 people live in the region. We have 26 municipalities in the county, and our largest towns are Ålesund, Molde, and Kristiansund.
We cover approximately 15 000 square kilometers of land and around 9500 kilometers of coastline. Our economy is primarily tied to maritime and marine industries like fishery and aquaculture, petroleum, furniture, and tourism. Located by the sea, we have long and proud tradition within shipbuilding. Today we host complete maritime value chains, and many world-leading companies are based in our region.
The County Council is the political body of the county and is popularly elected every fourth year. The County Council and its administration are responsible for developing the county in several ways. We provide upper secondary education, vocational training, and public transport. We also maintain and develop most of the public roads in the region, provide for cultural activities, and help make economic growth and development happen. We have a strong international engagement and are currently active in both the Erasmus+ programme and several Interreg programmes.
A key task as a regional developer and educational provider is to better match our educational programmes with the skills needs in the labour market – both now and in the future. This task is even more important when considering the demographic changes we will be facing, as well as the digital and green transitions. This is also the case for our shipbuilding industry.
Møre and Romsdal County Council is a proud partner of the Erasmus+ LeaderSHIP and as a VET provider, our primary task is to develop and pilot relevant training activities within vocational education. We are actively taking part in the project implementation and aim to contribute to a stronger and more resilient shipbuilding industry in Europe.
Kristian Severeide
Turku UAS
Turku UAS works in the heart of the digitalisation and green transition of the maritime industry
Finnish Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turku UAS) coordinates the LeaderSHIP project and takes part in every aspect of the project. The maritime industry is aiming for more sustainable solutions amidst green transition and is seeking new kinds of solutions through digitalisation.
Within the LeaderSHIP project Turku UAS develops courses, educational pilotes and new kinds of learning materials to meet the changing educational needs of maritime industry. The courses and pilotes are designed to support the green transition by reducing the carbon footprint of the maritime industry and to accelerate the use of renewable energy sources and alternative fuels.
LeaderSHIP also aims to attract more young people to work in the maritime industry and to raise awareness that the field offers diverse international careers also for people with higher education.
Turku UAS is a higher education institution of 13,000 experts, researchers, students, faculty members and teaching professionals. With a high level of expertise in research, development and innovations (RDI) work, Turku UAS executes nearly 200 RDI projects on a yearly basis. Projects utilize the multidisciplinary know-how of Turku UAS. We offer degree programmes in the fields of Technology, Communications and Transport, Health Care and Social Services, Business and Administration and Arts and Culture.
Turku UAS does research for example on Engine and Powertrain, Naval Architecture, Manufacturing Engineering, Wireless Communications and Cybersecurity and Circular Business Models.
As a significant regional actor, Turku UAS has close ties to businesses and municipalities in Southwest Finland. Turku UAS is the fourth largest technical university in Finland.
Maritime industry is a significant part of Turku region's industry. In the area there are several maritime industry companies which manufactures ships and other products of the industry. The industry is also a significant employer in the Turku region and has a great impact on the local business life. LeaderSHIP project is implemented in close cooperation with Meyer Turku shipyard, Turku Vocational Institute and large network of companies in the area.
Contact us:
Suvi Kivelä, Project Manager, Turku UAS,
Juha Valtanen, Content Director, Turku UAS,
Basque Maritime Cluster
The Basque Maritime Cluster is the Cluster of the Maritime Industries of the Basque Country, a European region with a large maritime tradition and concentration of shipbuilding, ports and maritime industry.
It represents, promotes, and provides services to improve the competitiveness and growth of companies in the sector, through collaboration, internationalization and innovation, as well as promoting a maritime and collaborative culture.
It brings together 233 associates involved in all the steps of the maritime supply chain. Among its members, the Basque Maritime Cluster includes shipyards, maritime equipment and technology providers, ports, shipowners, financial institutions, public administrations, museums, energy companies as well educational and training institutions such as VET centres and Universities specialised in maritime education and training. The Basque Maritime Cluster has more than 20 years of experience in developing training actions to improve the qualification of workers and to train and attract new talent into the sector.
Within the LeaderSHIP Project, the Basque Maritime Cluster will develop a report mapping the composition of each regional maritime ecosystems involved in the project, including:
- Identification of stakeholders involved in each ecosystem.
- Relevant RIS3 (Smart Specialization Strategy) priorities related to the maritime sector.
- Ecosystem Strengths and Needs of the ecosystem in terms of innovation, sectorial skills, and competitiveness.
This milestone will allow the project partners to achieve milestone 2: Broader and stronger cooperation under the Shipbuilding Pact for Skills and engage regional stakeholders to the Pact4Skills.
Contact us:
Ana Medibil Training and Employment Manager
Sarai Blanc Managing Director